Discover the groundbreaking Dirty Genes Podcast, where Dr. Lynch, creator of the concept, takes you on a journey to understand and influence your genetic destiny. Dive into actionable, clinically researched, and theoretical information on how to nurture your genes back to health, improving various conditions from allergies, headaches, and acne to stress, anxiety, and fertility. For health enthusiasts, genetics learners, and wellness seekers, this podcast is a game-changer. Uncover what makes your genes ”dirty,” with or without genetic testing, and learn how to clean them up.

Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Episode 16: Antioxidants and Pro-Oxidants
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
When do you take an antioxidant?
More importantly, when should you not take an antioxidant?
Some say that antioxidants should be taken every day in large amounts.
Some research shows that antioxidants can actually be harmful.
In this episode, you're going to learn some extremely practical tips.
Bring out your notepad because you're gonna need it!
As you're listening to this episode, think about what you're going to implement.
What are you going to do differently in your life because of what you learn?
You'll be feeling better because of it!
P. S. Like the Dirty Genes Podcast? Please leave a rating, a written review, and Subscribe!
#antioxidants #prooxidants #glutathione #vitaminc

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Episode 15: Overcoming Recurrent Miscarriage with Nutritionist Kinsey Jackson
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Have you experienced a miscarriage or multiple miscarriages? If you, or someone you know, is struggling with this, this episode is for you.
The amount of actionable information in this podcast is, frankly, almost impossible to find on the internet or in doctor offices. This is years of research, experience, pain, and ultimately, total joy, all in 90 minutes.
Miscarriages are common. How common? They occur in 15-20% of all pregnancies, typically in the first trimester. After the first miscarriage, the risk of having another is about 20%. After three or more consecutive miscarriages, the risk increases to 43%. This is known as recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL).
Join me today as I interview nutritionist Kinsey Jackson. You'll learn how she overcame a recurrent loss to bring her rainbow baby into the world. She shares her story, knowledge, and compassion with you in an episode of the Dirty Genes Podcast. You do not want to miss this.
Special Bonus >>> Kinsey put together a resource guide for those struggling with recurrent pregnancy loss. It's packed with invaluable information for you and your doctors. Download it FREE by clicking here: https://resources.seekinghealth.com/recurrent-miscarriage
*Please note that this episode contains sensitive subject matter surrounding miscarriage that some might find triggering or upsetting. Please proceed gently and at your own pace.
#miscarriage #recurrentmiscarriage #miscarriageawareness #pregnancyloss #rainbowbaby #TTC #ttccommunity #dirtygenespodcast

Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Episode 14: Histamine Intolerance And How It May Be Affecting You!
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Are you struggling with an annoying, recurring symptom that you have no clue how to help make it go away or at least improve?
Chronic runny nose? Nosebleeds? Sensitive to EMF? Can't fall asleep? Sudden irritability? Itchy skin randomly? Hot all the time? Red-faced big time after exercise? Sensitive to alcohol? Breathing difficulties?
Most of these don't require a run to your doctor. If they do, your doctor just bandaids you with medications or stuff that doesn't work.
What you're dealing with here is a lack of awareness by the medical establishment.
Histamine Intolerance.
It's gaining traction - finally - but most health professionals still have no clue how to address it properly.
This is a MUST LISTEN to episode - and a must share with others episode.
Head over to any of your favorite podcast platforms and type in Dirty Genes Podcast. Hit subscribe. Then play.
Enjoy empowering yourself. It's about time you know how your own body works. Once you know how your own body works, then you'll be confident you can help yourself feel better.
PS - Need a little more encouragement?
I'm including a significant offer to those who listen fully to the podcast episodes. Somewhere buried in the podcast is a coupon code for Seeking Health. It's a very good coupon code. (Offer expires midnight on July 6th)

Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Episode 13: How Do I Get Folic Acid Out Of My Body?
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
We all get folic acid in us. It's basically unavoidable as it's everywhere.
You want it out of your body.
How do you get folic acid out of your body once you ingest it?
In this episode, I share with you the details of how your body eliminates folic acid.
Tune in now to the Dirty Genes Podcast!
PS- I'd love a subscribe, review and rating of my podcast if you haven't done so already. It helps others determine if I'm worth a listen or not.
#folicacid #folicacidsucks #MTHFR #dirtygenespodcast

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Episode 12: Am I Getting Too Much Folic Acid?
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
If you're human, you're getting too much folic acid.
Yes, it is that simple.
Shame on me for giving the conclusion before you even tuned into my latest episode on the Dirty Genes Podcast.
Yes, I'm not a marketing genius. I'm a research nerd that is here guiding you towards optimal health.
Folic acid is a road block to your health.
Folic acid flat out dirties your genes.
Which ones? Hmmm. Now that I won't reveal right away.
Listen. Many people think that if they don't have the MTHFR polymorphism they can comfortably use folic acid.
That is so wrong.
There are other folate genes that get seriously messed up from folic acid.
How easy is it to mess up your folate genes with folic acid?
Tune into the Dirty Genes Podcast and find out.
Hey, I guess I'm becoming a better marketing guy after all.
Seriously though, if you're getting folic acid, it's time to stop.
If you're trying to convince others to stop using folic acid but struggling to convince them, here's more ammo for you.
You're a good friend for trying to help them.
You gotta put your own oxygen mask on first, though.
Do that by learning more.
This episode will help you understand the WHY.
PS - I'd love a subscribe, review and rating of my podcast if you haven't done so already. It helps others determine if I'm worth a listen or not.

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Episode 11: Folate vs. Folic Acid
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Taking Folic Acid supplements is like using a tired horse drawing a 3-wheeled wagon as your primary method of transportation.
You just don't do that.
Retire the horse out to pasture.
Folic acid is flat out OLD NEWS.
Out with the old. In with the new. In with the better.
In this episode on the Dirty Genes Podcast: Folate vs. Folic Acid, I give you the facts on folic acid.
It's time you hear the truth.
Here it is.

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Episode 10: Healthcare vs. Sick Care with Meg Kilcup, PharmD, IHP
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Health care versus sick care.
That’s what we are discussing this week as I welcome Meg Kilcup (IG: awholehealthlife) to the Dirty Genes Podcast.
Meg is a conventional pharmacist turned integrative- and a true seeker of root cause.
It is crucial to find and treat the root cause of your symptoms.
Not just treat the symptoms.
Change doesn’t happen overnight- but small steps can lead to big change over time.
Join me as Meg shares her valuable insight and what she’s learned through her experiences.
*Seeking Health is proud to have Meg Kilcup as an affiliate!
If you are interested in ordering Seeking Health product, please use the following link:
And use code “WHOLEHEALTHJUNE” for 10% off the whole month of June!

Tuesday May 25, 2021
Episode 9: What Happens If I Can't Get N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)?
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Let’s talk about N-acetyl cysteine (NAC).
By now you may have heard NAC has been banned from Amazon.
Or maybe you’ve heard about the uncertainty circling around about the future availability of NAC.
I know you probably have a ton of questions.
Don’t panic.
If NAC is indeed pulled from the marketplace, there are plenty of alternatives for you.
What are they?
Join me for this week’s episode, “What Happens If I Can’t Get N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)?”
You'll walk away with lots of tools after this one!
#NAC #nacetylcysteine #dirtygenespodcast #dirtygenes

Tuesday May 18, 2021
Episode 8: Genes vs. Enzymes: Do You Know The Difference?
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
You’ve heard the terms “gene” and “enzyme” before. Maybe you’ve even heard them used interchangeably.
But do you know the difference between the two?
Or know why it’s important to understand the difference?
Once you have a better understanding of two- you’ll be able to see how they directly impact you and your health.
You’ll be hearing me use these terms a lot, so it’s time we dive into what they actually mean.
Join me for Episode 8: “Genes vs. Enzymes: Do You Know The Difference?” where we go deeper into this topic and why it matters to you.

Tuesday May 11, 2021
Episode 7: How Are You Wired? Your Genes Hold The Answers!
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Putting up with chronic irritating symptoms is, well, irritating.
It's tiring.
Headaches, stuffy nose, moods shifting, focus failing, staring at the ceiling vs falling asleep.
You hear your friends say, "You're so sensitive." or "Why are you so irritable all the time?" or "Come on! Smile already. You're such a grump all the time!" If they only knew that you wish you could step out of your funk.
You can step out of your funk.
The way you do that is looking at how you are wired.
You can only see the outside of your body. Your hair, skin, nails, muscles, tummy. And you focus on these.
What if you can actually look inside you and see why you are potentially more sensitive to being irritated? Why you are more susceptible to being gloomy. Why you seem to not be able to focus your entire life.
Once you discover this, then you have the ability to improve it. It's not that you discover why you are struggling with these issues and leave it at that. No. You will have the ability and the tools to become the person you always wanted to be.
More tolerant.
Sleeping well.
I've got something for you that will help- check out today's episode.
Curious about how you are wired? Order StrateGene today! When using StrateGene along with the book, Dirty Genes, you'll have two great tools to guide you.